Author’s Preface

God’s Word tells us that, “When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable” (Proverbs 10:19). Though the present writer has many to thank for making possible the completion of this work (too numerous to name), he nevertheless reserves to himself responsibility for the unavoidable transgressions.

Having already drawn upon the wit of Mr. Smith for the cover concept, another appeal to him in the preface risks conveying to the reader the mistaken impression that the present writing is but a narrow reiteration of the Puritan position. Suffice it to say that the scope of this work is much broader than that. Having so said, it is hoped that the reader once again may appreciate the words of Henry Smith, whose introduction to his sermons on usury is a most fit introduction to the spirit of the study which follows. Here thou hast the sermons which have been often desired, because of the matter fit for this city. One sayeth, that he would never speak to usurers, and bribe-mongers, but when they be upon their deathbeds: for he which liveth by sin, resolveth to sin, that he may live. But when he goeth to hanging, Judas will say, I have sinned. If I speak not to usurers upon their death-bed, yet I
speak to usurers which shall lie upon their death-bed. Three things do give me hope. One is, that all hearts are in the hands of God, to call them at what hour
He list, and therefore Saul may become an Apostle. The next is, that the third
crow doth waken more than the former, and therefore after the crowing of other, this crow may happily be heard. The last is, that there is no sin, but some men have been reclaimed from it, and so may usurers from their sin.

Therefore go my book like David against Goliath, and fight the Lord’s battles against usurers. The Lord give that success to his doctrine in these leaves, that it may consume usurers, as Joshua drove out the Canaanites before him. If I could take but this one weed out of the Londoner’s [American’s] garden, I were answered for my health and my strength spent amongst them. Read with thy best mind, and thou shall profit more.

S.C. Mooney


Foreword by David B. Wiley

Author’s Preface

Definition of Usury …………………………………………………….1

History of Usury………………………………………………………19

Survey of Biblical Texts………………………………………………93

Popular Excuses of Usury …………………………………………115

Choose This Day Whom Ye Will Serve…………………………..215

Bibliography 240

Scripture Index 244

Subject Index 246

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